Business Growth Accelerator

Transforming business owners in 6-12 weeks to greater profits, higher performance & strategies to propel their business forward with the right marketing and mindset.

Entrepreneur growth partners (700 x 700 px)

This is The Business & Mindset Program that will change the way you do business in 2024.

We understand the diverse challenges and milestones of your entrepreneurial journey, because we've been there too. Whether you're about to leave your 9-5, powering through the startup phase, or ready to scale up, our programs are precision-crafted for each stage of your venture. With only 3 spots in our 6-week Intensive Sprint and 6 spots in our 12-week Transformative Journey at Entrepreneur Growth Partners, each program promises an exclusive, immersive experience tailored for massive growth.

Why Choose Entrepreneur Growth Partners?

  • 🤝 Dual Expertise

    Benefit from the combined coaching power of Mindset & Marketing expertise, offering you a comprehensive approach to business growth.

  • 💡 Mindset Mastery

    Overcome self-limiting beliefs and cultivate unshakeable confidence for your business endeavors, paving the way for success.

  • 📈 Marketing Savvy

    Forget about trying to figure it all out yourself Harness the power of tailored strategies, and solutions to enhance your brand's visibility and skyrocket your success.

  • 👥 Exclusive Access

    Receive personalized attention and guidance, as our limited availability ensures a focus on your unique needs and goals.

  • 🎯 Proven Frameworks

    Rely on our tried-and-tested growth blueprints to navigate your entrepreneurial journey with clarity and purpose, eliminating the need for trial and error.

  • 🧠 Partnership Base

     Beyond coaching, we are dedicated co-pilots on your entrepreneurial voyage, offering support and insight to help you reach new heights in your business.

  • 💸 Unbeatable Value

    Access top-tier guidance and expertise at a fraction of the cost of what we normally charge, ensuring you receive the support and guidance you need to take your business to new heights. 

Are you in your first 1-3 years of building your business, and feeling a bit lost as to where to go next to increase your confidence, cash flow and clients?

Your Mindset & Marketing group coaching program hosted by Patrick Menefee & Julianna Walker. 

Forget about traying to figure it all out yourself and instead, plug into a framework that will equip you with the TOOLS to unlock your mindset to call in MASSIVE GROWTH for 2024, alongside the PROVEN marketing techniques to see an INFLUX of client bookings.

All of this WITHOUT investing in complicated funnels, reading a million Personal Growth books, or making a million notes about what you want but never actually following through.

You get full access to a Marketing Expert and a Mindset Coach. All for a fraction of the price that we normally charge.

This will be the #1 investment that you make in your business in 2024.

Meet the Entrepreneur Growth Partners

Julianna Walker and Patrick Menefee have come together to deliver a Business & Mindset Program like nothing that has ever been created before.

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    Patrick Menefee
    Success & Mindset Coach

    Patrick helps high achievers create a more intentional, fulfilling, and successful life by helping them unlock access to the person they know they are capable of becoming. Patrick is dedicated to helping entrepreneurs break through their limiting beliefs and achieve unparalleled success.

    “There’s a gap between who you are today and who you want to be, who you could be, and the world needs that version of you.”

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    Julianna Walker
    Digital Marketing Strategist & Marketing Coach

    Julianna cuts through the digital marketing overwhelm, steering entrepreneurs from hit-or-miss tactics to targeted, impactful strategies. She provides clarity and direction in a confusing landscape, showing business owners how to effectively use technology and digital marketing. Her tailored strategies and proven methods boost visibility and drive results, empowering entrepreneurs to succeed with confidence and without guesswork.

What People Say

  • "Patrick consistently pushed me to confront discomfort with thought-provoking questions and frameworks for introspection

    He has drawn from his diverse background to provide me with practical insights as I navigate my journey from the corporate world into entrepreneurship.

    Patrixk serves as a reliable sounding board for my struggles and ideas. He does a great job listening and providing me different ways to think about moving forward. 

    Patrick is the man! He has helped me a ton in the past 3 months figure out what I enjoy doing and how to turn that into a business. Highly recommend working with Patrick for anyone looking to level up their mindset,"

  • "I knew a strong online presence was necessary but felt overwhelming. Julianna’s guidance was the breakthrough I needed! She crafted a marketing strategy that felt authentic to my personal brand and resonated with my dream clients. She doesn't just offer marketing advice; she helped me create a strategy that aligned with my mission to inspire others towards their fitness goals. Engagement on my platforms are higher than ever, and I’m booking more clients than I can find time for. Do yourself a favor and book a call!"

  • "Working with Patrick was hands down THE best decision I made in 2023. The plans we made together pushed me to quit my 9-5 job with confidence!"

  • "Julianna's approach transformed my business's digital presence, increasing reliability and referrals. It didn't just change my marketing; it changed my life!"

  • "Working with Patrick has been eye opening in various aspects, but I am more aligned with my vision more now than ever. By addressing many of life’s aspects I have had to explore a lot of my ‘knowns’ and reassess…for a more ideal ‘known’ that serves me. Working with Patrick I was able to experienced that ‘AHA’ moment in self awareness and I’m certain you will too!"

  • "Julianna's strategic approach to my digital marketing presence was nothing short of a game changer! She didn't just increase my brand visibility, she transformed the way potential clients saw me, building trust and reliability. My closed deals YOY are on the rise, and client referrals have increased. Working with Julianna didn’t just change my marketing; it changed my life!!"

Don't Miss Out on this Exclusive Opportunity

Join forces with these dynamic coaches to unlock your full potential and bring your business vision to life. Secure your spot in the Business Growth Accelorator Program today before it's too late! We Start April 1, 2024!

  • Six Week Intensive Sprint

    -Three exclusive spots available -One-on-one mindset coaching with Patrick Menefee -Personalized digital marketing strategy and implementation guidance with Julianna Walker -Two 60 min group calls per week for accountability, support, and collaboration.
  • Twelve Week Transformative Journey

    / month
    -Six exclusive spots available -One-on-one mindset coaching with Patrick Menefee. -Personalized digital marketing strategy and implementation guidance with Julianna Walker. -One Weekly group call for accountability, support, and collaboration.

It’s not an expense to hire (2) coaches to help you grow your business. It’s an investment.

Ready to Supercharge Your Success?

Join now to secure your spot in The Business Growth Accelerator? Our limited slots fill up quickly, so don't delay. Take the first step towards a thriving business and personal success today.

Limited Spots Available!